
This module contains the LFRicDofmaps class which holds all the information and methods for the dofmaps required by an invoke such as: generating the calls to the LFRic infrastructure that look-up the necessary dofmaps; declaring all unique function space dofmaps in the PSy layer as pointers to integer arrays; and adding dofmap-related declarations to a Kernel stub.

LFRicDofmaps is used in the LFRicInvoke module.


  • LFRicDofmaps: Holds all information on the dofmaps (including column-banded and

class psyclone.domain.lfric.lfric_dofmaps.LFRicDofmaps(node)

Holds all information on the dofmaps (including column-banded and indirection) required by an invoke.


node (psyclone.domain.lfric.LFRicKern or psyclone.dynamo0p3.LFRicInvoke) – Kernel or Invoke for which to manage dofmaps.


Inheritance diagram of LFRicDofmaps

Generates the calls to the LFRic infrastructure that look-up the necessary dofmaps. Adds these calls as children of the supplied parent node. This must be an appropriate f2pygen object.