
This module contians the LFRicRunTimeChecks class which handles declarations and code generation for run-time checks. The methods check fields’ function spaces and read-only fields against kernel function-space metadata on initialisation. The class inherits from the LFRicCollection class.


class psyclone.domain.lfric.lfric_run_time_checks.LFRicRunTimeChecks(node)

Handle declarations and code generation for run-time checks. This is not used in the stub generator.


Inheritance diagram of LFRicRunTimeChecks

Add runtime checks to make sure that the arguments being passed from the algorithm layer are consistent with the metadata specified in the associated kernels. Currently checks are limited to ensuring that field function spaces are consistent with the associated kernel function-space metadata.


parent (psyclone.f2pygen.SubroutineGen) – the node in the f2pygen AST representing the PSy- layer routine.