
Module providing a transformation that transforms all constant index accesses to an array (i.e. ones that do not contain loop iterators) to single trip loops.


class psyclone.domain.nemo.transformations.nemo_allarrayaccess2loop_trans.NemoAllArrayAccess2LoopTrans

Provides a transformation from a PSyIR Assignment containing constant index accesses to an array into single trip loops: For example:

>>> from psyclone.domain.nemo.transformations import \
...     NemoAllArrayAccess2LoopTrans
>>> from psyclone.psyir.backend.fortran import FortranWriter
>>> from psyclone.psyir.frontend.fortran import FortranReader
>>> from psyclone.psyir.nodes import Assignment
>>> code = ("program example\n"
...         "  real a(10,10), b(10,10)\n"
...         "  integer :: n\n"
...         "  a(1,n-1) = b(1,n-1)\n"
...         "end program example\n")
>>> psyir = FortranReader().psyir_from_source(code)
>>> assignment = psyir.walk(Assignment)[0]
>>> NemoAllArrayAccess2LoopTrans().apply(assignment)
>>> print(FortranWriter()(psyir))
program example
  real, dimension(10,10) :: a
  real, dimension(10,10) :: b
  integer :: n
  integer :: ji
  integer :: jj

  do ji = 1, 1, 1
    do jj = n - 1, n - 1, 1
      a(ji,jj) = b(ji,jj)

end program example


Inheritance diagram of NemoAllArrayAccess2LoopTrans
apply(node, options=None)

Apply the NemoAllArrayAccess2Loop transformation if the supplied node is an Assignment with an Array Reference on its left-hand-side. Each constant array index access (i.e. one not containing a loop iterator or a range) is then transformed into an iterator and the assignment placed within a single trip loop, subject to any constraints in the NemoArrayAccess2Loop transformation.

If any of the NemoAllArrayAccess2Loop constraints are not satisfied for a loop index then this transformation does nothing for that index and silently moves to the next.

  • node (psyclone.psyir.nodes.Assignment) – an assignment.

  • options (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) – a dictionary with options for transformations. No options are used in this transformation. This is an optional argument that defaults to None.

property name

the name of the transformation as a string.

Return type:


validate(node, options=None)

Perform any checks to ensure that it is valid to apply the NemoAllArrayAccess2LoopTrans transformation to the supplied PSyIR Node.

  • node (psyclone.psyir.nodes.Node) – the node that is being checked.

  • options (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) – a dictionary with options for transformations. No options are used in this transformation. This is an optional argument that defaults to None.