
This module contains the implementations of the various OpenACC Directive Clause nodes.


  • ACCCopyClause: OpenACC copy clause. Specifies a list of variables that are to be copied

  • ACCCopyInClause: OpenACC copy clause. Specifies a list of variables that are to be copied

  • ACCCopyOutClause: OpenACC copy clause. Specifies a list of variables that are to be copied

class psyclone.psyir.nodes.acc_clauses.ACCCopyClause(ast=None, children=None, parent=None, annotations=None)

OpenACC copy clause. Specifies a list of variables that are to be copied to the device at the start of the associated region and back to the host at the end.


Inheritance diagram of ACCCopyClause
class psyclone.psyir.nodes.acc_clauses.ACCCopyInClause(ast=None, children=None, parent=None, annotations=None)

OpenACC copy clause. Specifies a list of variables that are to be copied to the device at the start of a region.


Inheritance diagram of ACCCopyInClause
class psyclone.psyir.nodes.acc_clauses.ACCCopyOutClause(ast=None, children=None, parent=None, annotations=None)

OpenACC copy clause. Specifies a list of variables that are to be copied from the device to the host at the end of the associated region.


Inheritance diagram of ACCCopyOutClause